Wonder Learning Partnership
The foundation and vision for the Wonder Learning Partnership is:
- To bring together a family of schools who are not only close geographically, but who also share common values and have a shared vision for education.
- To establish a clear mission statement for the partnership, to support our pupils, teachers and schools in ensuring our village, church and community schools can continue to serve the young people of our villages and local communities.
- To focus on doing the very best for the children in our care, through the sharing of best practice across the schools on a regular basis.
- To share resources and services in order that, in this time of austerity and also in the future, we can focus on the children in our care and the quality of teaching within the classroom, to ensure our children receive the very best education.
- To ensure each school retains its individual identity and can continue to focus on serving its local community.
Wonder Learning Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with Company Number: 10518602
We believe passionately in parental choice. To this end, schools will continue to ensure all of our children have the freedom to apply to attend the school of their choice. The creation of the Wonder Learning Partnership will, therefore, have no effect on transition from primary to secondary, or secondary to post-16 education.
We believe schools should serve their pupils and parents. We believe passionately that schools should be at the heart of their communities and should not be consumed into large chains of schools nationally. For us, this is about ensuring each child remains at the heart of all we do and that we are, as a family of schools, accountable to parents for the quality of education we provide.
The Trust will bring stability in an ever-changing educational world, so as schools we can focus on what really matters, our children.