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We aim to foster the development of the whole person, in a disciplined and ordered working environment which is secure and caring, and within which each pupil can strive for excellence. We create a positive, happy atmosphere, allowing pupils to take pride in their achievements, and ensuring pupils and staff work together with mutual respect, courtesy and consideration for others.

We are also a relatively small school with 1000 pupils and Sixth Form students: large enough to offer a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum, but sufficiently small that every child is known and cared for as an individual.

Daily recognition for Acts of Great Heart, Thought and Vision 

Our School ethos that everything we do should demonstrate great heart, thought and vision permeates through all aspects of school life.

Pupils receive rewards based on this ethos, and Form Tutors, subject teachers and other staff are able to reward pupils through our online rewards system called ‘ClassCharts’. 

The purpose of our rewards system is to encourage and celebrate the positive attitudes and resilience that lead to success in all aspects of school life and beyond. The rewards encourage pupils to develop their sense of personal responsibility, and to reward positive contributions they make to the school community.

Furthermore, the rewards system promotes positive learning environment within each classroom and around the school. Rewards can be written into the pupil’s Planner and logged on ClassCharts. Pupils with a high number of rewards receive certificates in assemblies.  Each month, pupils with high numbers of rewards receive certificates, prizes and congratulatory Champions’ Breakfasts.

Parents can view their child’s rewards and behaviour summary through the ClassCharts website and free App, which can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play. We will provide you with an Access Code unique for your child. You will also receive a notification when your child receives a reward.

Electronic Communication

We are happy to communicate with parents and carers via email, and our school newsletter is emailed to parents and carers once per week. Please let the School Office know if you change your email address. You can also contact your child's Care & Achievement Coordinator.

Home-School Partnership

Communication is central to our relationship with you as a parent. We will always be available to discuss the education and personal development of your child.

Our combined focus on Care and Achievement ensures that in caring for and supporting your son or daughter, we provide the very best environment for them to thrive in academically.

At Longcroft School we aim to create a positive and motivated atmosphere, within which pupils can take pride in what they do. Our Care and Achievement team has oversight of your son or daughter’s school experience, and is committed to ensuring every child fulfils their potential and achieves their target. They will, throughout, ensure you are updated regularly on your child’s progress, so you can be confident they are achieving success.

Our Year Leaders and Care and Achievement Co-ordinators are responsible for the care and achievement of each and every pupil.  They know each and every child by name and ensure we provide the very best education and experience for your child.


Most school letters are sent home electronically. In some cases we send letters direct via the postal service. Duplicate letters can be sent on request to the School Office.

Medical Issues

If your child is ill, please do not send him or her to school. If your child becomes ill during the school day, they should inform their teacher who will ensure that they receive appropriate care and that parents are contacted. Some pupils require medicines to be given during the school day. If possible, please give your child any required medicine before school, after school and at bedtime.

If your child does need to take medicine during the school day, please inform the School Office and hand in any medicine to the School Reception for safekeeping.

Parents' Evenings and Meetings

We hold a range of events and evenings throughout the year for pupils, parents and carers to come into school, meet staff and discuss their child’s progress and wellbeing. We hold annual Parents’ Evenings for each Year Group; these are important opportunities for pupils, parents and carers to meet with subject teachers and discuss your child’s progress.

Pupil Targets and Progress

At Longcroft School, we believe that pupils make the most progress when set challenging targets, coupled with encouragement and support from home and school.

In September, our Year 7 pupils will take part in a range of assessments to help us ascertain their current understanding, strengths and any areas where support may be required. These assessments include Maths, English and Science, as well as Cognitive Ability Tests. We also use these assessments to set our pupils targets in each subject, and we will report on your child’s progress towards these targets each term in ‘progress reviews’.

From Year 7, we measure our pupils’ progress and attainment in each subject with reference to GCSE grades from 1 to 9 (9 being the highest possible attainment). In each progress review, you will receive a report showing which GCSE grade your child is currently on track to achieve at the end of Year 11, if they were to maintain their current level of progress. You will also receive a report of their Attitude to Learning, graded from A to D (A being outstanding), together with details of rewards and any concerns teachers may have.

School Website

Our school website contains a wealth of information about our school community, events, achievements, links and resources as well as key information, policies and dates.

School Newsletter

All parents and carers receive the Longcroft School weekly newsletter via email. The newsletter contains news about events and pupil achievements, as well as important information for parents and carers together with useful reminders about upcoming events.


We have a whole-school approach to meeting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND); every teacher at Longcroft School is a teacher of pupils with SEND, and is responsible for the progress and development of all pupils in their classes. In addition, the Learning Support Department is available to support pupils, their teachers and parents/carers.

We can offer support in the following ways:

  • Accurately identify pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that their needs are met as early as possible.
  • Advise the teaching staff on a graduated response to pupil need.
  • Provide in class support and access to other interventions.
  • Specialist assessments and mentoring.
  • Ensure exam access arrangements are in place for pupils with additional needs.
  • Referral to and liaison with external agencies and parents/carers.
  • Transition support for pupils going on to College, Sixth Form or other places of Further Education.

Further details can be found in the Statutory Information area of the website.


As a school of 1000 pupils we are large enough to offer a broad curriculum while at the same time ensuring your child is known and cared for as an individual.

Our teachers use the Longcroft Learning Cycle to plan each and every lesson. Based on the best national research, this five part structure is proven to deliver pace, challenge and improve academic outcomes for our children.

The cycle provides a framework within which our teachers can draw upon their expertise and extensive experience to ensure lessons have academic rigour, a broad range of activities, are exciting, relevant and have challenging content to stretch those pupils who are gifted and talented.

In addition, teachers record in every lesson your child’s approach to their studies and ensure they receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work and academic progress. Teachers also use the latest data software to ensure every pupil is on-track and is making the very best academic progress.

Texting System

We operate a school texting system for school reminders and emergency communication. Please ensure you have provided us with an up to date mobile phone number.