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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Provision at Longcroft School and Sixth Form College

  • At Longcroft School we aim to enable students and pupils to reach their full potential in all areas. We help students and pupils overcome difficulties they may experience in accessing the curriculum, whether this is a specific learning difficulty, a medical problem or an emotional/behavioural need. We strive to provide the means whereby students are able to ‘catch-up’ with their peers.
  • Any pupils joining Year 7 with SEND needs are highlighted on transfer forms which are sent to the school SENCO as well as the Deputy Head. These needs are assessed and visits are then arranged to liaise with Year 6 staff and Primary school SENCO as appropriate. Extra visits may be organised and arrangements made to meet the needs of the students prior to starting in September.
  • In year admissions are similarly assessed. Before a student or pupil is admitted with SEN all needs are assessed and suitable provision made. No student or pupil will start until all information has been assessed to meet the needs of the student.
  • Deputy Head — Care & Achievement — Mr J Rogers 

SEND Report

Longcroft School and Sixth Form College strives to provide the best learning opportunities for all students and pupils. Our core values promote an inclusive school community which meets the needs for all students and pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We pride ourselves on recognising that every child matters and has the right to achieve to the best of their ability.

All students and pupils at Longcroft receive quality teaching. This means that a range of teaching styles and approaches are used and that appropriate Learning Objectives are set for all pupils with a curriculum matched to their needs. Students and pupils have access to different types of support in lessons and often work in small groups or one to one with a Teacher or Teaching Assistant.

As a whole school team, we ensure that we meet the learning needs of each of our pupils individually. This annual report outlines the types of support available for your child if extra support is needed, and who can provide it. We currently have pupils with high SEND including Speech and Language (SALT), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH), Physical Disability and Visual and Hearing Impairment. Our provision for these highlights our commitment to meeting all pupils’ needs within a mainstream school.

Student's/Pupil’s difficulties may fall into one (or more) of four broad areas of SEND:

Speech, Language and Communication needs

  • Expressing themselves
  • Understanding others
  • Effective interactions and relaying of information Learning needs
  • Some or all of the work in school
  • Making progress in reading, writing or maths
  • Understanding information
  • Specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia Social, Emotional, Mental Health Needs
  • Managing their behaviour
  • Making friends or relating to adults
  • Concentration and attention
  • Physical, Medical and Sensory needs
  • Physical disability
  • Visual, hearing or multi-sensory impairment

How is SEND identified and assessed?

Early identification of pupils with SEND is a priority. Concerns can be raised about a student or pupil having SEND by any member of staff, parents/carers or by the child themselves who can talk with any member of staff, or the Special Educational Needs team.

Our teachers carry out various assessments and routinely check that all students and pupils are making the required progress. If teachers or a students or pupil’s parents/carers think a student/pupil is not making the same progress as other pupils, or is significantly falling behind the level that is expected for their age, that pupil may be considered to have a Special Educational Need. We will share with parents/carers what we find out and what we will do next (as documented in our SEND Policy). Our SENCO will support parents/carers and teachers to ensure the best provision for the student/pupil. We use screening and assessment tools to ascertain areas of concern and student/pupil progress, and we may consult with specialists to provide further support strategies at our College. The child is at the centre of planning and pupil voice is pivotal in assessment and identification of needs. Student and pupils are consulted at all stages. They are involved in target setting and reviews of progress. Prior to starting, and on completion of an intervention, the SENCO will discuss the programme with the student/pupils. Students/pupils with an

EHCP are invited to complete a written report, with support where necessary, and also invited to attend the meeting.Students/pupils are offered support from the College when meeting with outside agencies, such as the Educational Psychologist.

If a student/pupil has been identified as SEND before they start at Longcroft, we work with the people who already know about them and use the information already available to identify how we can meet their SEND within our college community.

How does Longcroft School and Sixth form evaluate the effectiveness of its SEND provision?

The root of all evaluation of SEND provision at Longcroft is Plan/Do/Assess/Review with the student/pupil at the core.

The school evaluates its effectiveness of its provision for such student/pupils by:

  • Tracking the progress made by students/pupils from their starting points at the beginning of the Key Stage/Year/Term to the present time.
  • Regular discussion of progress with students/pupils and parents/carers.
  • Lesson observations, learning walks and staff discussions.
  • Comparing moderated baseline assessment with final assessments for individual students/pupils.
  • Measuring improvements in skills being developed — is the pupil using and applying independently the skills worked on? Are they able to transfer the skills to a different context?
  • Benchmarking the attainment of students/pupils with specials needs/disabilities.
  • Against data provided in IDSR and other national data on an annual basis
  • The SENCO and SEND Governor, Mrs Harold, meet regularly to evaluate and monitor SEND. An annual report is created which is shared with Governors in the summer term.

How does Longcroft school and Sixth Form College access and review progress?

As a school we measure students/pupil’s progress in learning against national age related expectations. The achievement of students/pupils with SEND is a regular topic of conversation between the Head of School, Heads of Year, Pastoral Leads, Inclusion Leader and SENCO, Additional monitoring assessments take place throughout the year, by the SENCO, for students/pupils who have been having support which is additional to, or different from, that normally provided. These assessments focus on any barriers to learning which have been previously identified, such as literacy or numeracy and review progress in these areas. Any students/pupil with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) has a formal Annual Review Meeting in which progress is discussed and targets set for the next academic year. Parents, and all professionals involved, are invited to contribute and attend, along with the students/pupil. Information on students/pupils who have been identified as having a special educational need is shared with the teaching staff and is regularly updated. Recommendations and strategies to address a students/pupil’s needs are made by the SENCO in order to remove barriers to learning and enable access to the curriculum. Subject teachers are responsible for differentiating lessons to meet the needs of all students/pupils in their classes. All lessons are required to be differentiated to meet the needs of the students/pupils. There are many ways in which this can be achieved. For example: through ability levelled tasks, alternative methods of recording, adaptation of questioning, catering for different learning styles or the use of additional and/or different resources. Students/Pupils with more acute needs may have in-class support or a modified curriculum. Both the academic and pastoral needs of students/pupils are met by a range of staff within the School such as Form Tutors, Care and Achievement Coordinators and Heads of Department, subject teachers and Learning Support staff. Further support is also available through links with external agencies. Strengths are celebrated and next steps with targets are discussed if necessary. Progress, however small, is recognised to build on motivation for learning and students/pupil self-esteem.

How is the curriculum adapted to suit the needs of SEND pupils?

As a Staff we believe all children should have a love of learning and be able to access a full and challenging curriculum. Assessments are made to ascertain student's/pupil’s current skills, knowledge and understanding. We aim to provide a stimulating and exciting curriculum that is multi-sensory, engaging all children and allowing independence in an environment that promotes positive learning experiences and a sense of personal achievement.

Class teachers differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all the students/pupils in their class:

  • Recommendations and strategies to remove barriers to learning and enable access to the curriculum are made by class teacher, SENCO, subject coordinators and by professionals from outside agencies.
  • Provision is allocated according to needs of the child and follows the ‘Assess, Plan, Do & Review’ process as laid down in the Code of Practice (Jan 2015). Students/Pupils who require some additional support may take part in a time limited interventions which run alongside their day-to-day lessons. These may include:
  • Time on Lexia for all year groups, after school homework club and lunchtime clubs, Handwriting sessions
  • Speech and language programmes (devised by the LA Speech and Language therapist and delivered by school staff as and when required)
  • Friendship groups

What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of SEND students/pupils?

All pupils in school follow a taught programme PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education).

Specific intervention programmes using the school’s Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is able to support students/pupils with social skills, emotions, bereavement, anger management, self-esteem and friendships.

Will SEND impact educational visits and other activities?

No students/pupil is excluded from activities, at Longcroft. Rigorous risk assessments are carried out. Students/Pupils with special educational needs will take part in all school activities and reasonable adjustments will be made if necessary.

Every student/pupil has opportunities to join in with class education visits and access trips including residentials if parents wish. To ensure that this is successful for all students/pupils we may conduct a more detailed risk assessments, carry out pre-visits, provide extra staff or have social stories in preparation for these activities.

There is a range of extra-curricular clubs open to all. The school canteen runs an early breakfast and all students/pupils can access these. Arrangements are made to ensure students/pupils with SEND are supported.

What specialist equipment is available?

We are committed to working with external colleagues to advise us on specialist equipment and facilities needed to support our SEND students/pupils. We have disabled toilet facilities and the school is accessible to wheelchairs, although additional adult assistance may be required.

How does Longcroft school and sixth form college consult with Parents/carers?

Parents/carers and families know their children better than anyone else; we respect this and recognise the relationship between parents and school is crucial in making sure your children reach their potential. Parents can expect to be involved in assessment of SEND and are regularly invited to review progress and be involved in the target setting process. We provide additional time for SEND meetings, and we encourage parents to share with us any concerns they may have regarding their children. Parents, and the children themselves, are actively involved in setting and reviewing targets.

What if I am unhappy with SEND provision?

We welcome feedback from parents however if parents are unsure about any of the support or provision being made for their child, they should not hesitate to contact school in order to address any issues and action as necessary.

The school’s complaints procedure is outlined on the schools' website. Any complaint that refers to this policy should be referred to the Head of School. Only if the Head of School is unable to resolve the complaint or the complainant is unwilling to contact the Head of School should the complainant invoke more formal procedures by contacting the Chair of Governors. A copy of the complaints' procedure is available from the school and can be found in the policy section on the school website. 

Support with issues relating to SEND can be sought from ‘Families Information Services Hub (FISH), at or phone 01482 396469.

In addition to the above, The Secretary of State can intervene where an LEA or school is not complying with the planning duty and can direct an LEA or school to do so.

What happens when my child moves to secondary school ?

A key milestone for any child is the move from Year 6 to Secondary School. We are extremely mindful of potential additional provision and plans that need to be in place for our SEND pupils at this point. Enhanced Transition Plans are formulated with the team around the pupil from both settings to prepare them for a smooth transition. We encourage all parents and children to visit school prior to transfer. For pupils with SEND a phased transition or extra visits to school prior to transfer might be appropriate to help them get used to their new environment.

At transition between KS3 and 4 all pupils are given advice and guidance about the selection of their GCSE courses from the following staff:

Form Tutors, Care and Achievement Coordinators, Subject Teachers and Careers Advisors Parents/carers and pupils are also invited to share their views and attend an Open Evening. In Years 9 and 11, a Youth and Family Support Practitioner attends the Annual Reviews for pupils with an EHCP, to offer advice about the next stages in their education.

Additional appointments can also be arranged.

On transfer to Post 16 education, the School liaises with both local sector providers, such as Bishop Burton School and York School, East Riding College, and out of area providers chosen by pupils. Longcroft College also offers taster days to those students wishing to study at A Level

What external support is available to further support my child?

At Longcroft, we work closely with a wide range of support services and health professionals who offer guidance and support to our college and families. If a pupil’s needs are more complex, a multi-agency approach will be used. We work closely with:

  • Education Inclusion Service (EIS)
  • Educational Psychologist — Helen Mitton
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)
  • Integrated Sensor & Physical Teaching Service (SaPTS)
  • Social Services
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Parent Support Service
  • Behaviour Support Team
  • Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHaSH)
  • Children’s Disability Team

The Local Authority Special Education Needs Team For more information on support services please visit ‘Families Information Services Hub (FISH), at or phone 01482 396469.

More general support services information can be accessed from:

East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA or phone 01482 887700

Where can I find out more on the local authorities local offer?

For more information about the East Riding local offer please go to the following link: Local Offer

How do I find out more about SEND or inclusion at Longcroft?

Please see our SEN policy or contact the school office:

Tel: 01482 862171
